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Used Siemens Prisma 3.0T MRI for sale (ID 15533422215) | 20Med

Used siemens healthcare Prisma 3.0T MRI for sale

Location  :   View
Availability  :  May 2024
Equipment ID  :  15533422215
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Product Description

Year of Manufacture - 2008 (System Upgraded in 2014) , Availability - May , 2024 

Option software -

2D Chemical Shift Imaging, 3D Chemical Shift Imaging, 3D PACE, Abdomen Dot Engine, Advanced cardiac incl PSIR, Advanced WARP, Angio Dot Engine, Arterial Spin Labeling, ASL 3D, Cardiac Dot Engine, DTI, Expert-i, GRACE, Inline BOLD imaging, Long Joint Dot engine, Long Joint Dot Engine Upgrade, Mopit, NATIVE, Meuro Perfusion package, PCASL, Single Voxel Spectroscopy, Spine Dot Engine, SWI, Syng. MRI Neuro, syngo.MR Neuro Perfusion, syngo.MR Spectro CSI, syngo .MR Spectro Extension, syngo.MR Spectro Research, syngo.MRSpectro SVS, syngo.MR Tissue 4D, syngo.MR Tractography, TWIST. 

List of Coil -

Hand/Wrist(16), Knee(15), Foot/Ankel(16), Head/Neck(64), Shoulder Large(16), Shoulder Small(16), Breast, head/Neck(20), Flexible Small, Flexible Large, 3T Special Purpose, Body(18).

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for used siemens healthcare Prisma 3.0T MRI

Auction ID - 15533422215
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Bid Closes on : 01 Jan - 12:00 AM IST
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